June 06 Day

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8:00 GMT - Symposium begins

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 9:00 am, East Africa (Nairobi): 11:00 am, Paris: 10:00 am, Washington DC: 4:00 am, China (Beijing): 4:00 pm

Welcome address

Dr. Ambroise DJERE (Cheikh Anta Diop University)

Introduction to the day's work

Abdel MOUNCHAROU (Howard University)

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8:15 GMT - Presentations begin

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 9h15, East Africa (Nairobi): 11h15, Paris: 10h15, Washington DC: 4h15, China (Beijing): 16h15


Harmony between Man and Nature: Sustainable Practices for an African Future


Diane TAPIMALI (University of Dschang)

Leslie MOULONGUI (University of Lomé)

Moderators chat

Docteur Ambroise DJERE (Cheikh Anta Diop University)

Abdel MOUNCHAROU (Howard University)

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2:00 pm - 4:00 pm GMT - Round table discussions

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 15:00 - 17:00, East Africa (Nairobi): 17:00 - 19:00, Paris: 16:00 - 18:00,
Washington DC: 10:00 - 12:00, China (Beijing): 22:00 - 00:00

How do traditions and social perceptions shape the identity and participation of women and young people in African development?

Presentation themes

Geostrategic issues linked to African natural resources: Assets and vulnerabilities, Ousseynou GUEYE, PhD student at Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
Africa is a continent rich in natural resources, constituting a major geostrategic challenge with its vast land mass, unexploited arable land and a third of the world's resources. These riches, including uranium, gold, cobalt, diamonds and copper, are levers for economic growth, although they are often exploited by foreign powers and emerging countries such as China, India and Brazil. This exploitation leads to conflict and political instability, accentuated by the environmental degradation caused by mining. Despite these riches, Africa paradoxically remains the poorest continent, with a large number of least-developed countries. Some see these resources as a curse, fuelling corruption, political crises and obscure contracts, perpetuating poverty despite the abundance of natural wealth. Key words: geostrategics, challenges, natural resources, assets, vulnerability.
Rethinking agriculture to meet the challenges of climate change - Jordan ESSOMBE EWANE, agricultural engineer, specialist in crop production, Cameroon
Global agriculture, particularly in Africa, is facing major challenges due to climate change, requiring a reassessment of agricultural practices. Impacts such as droughts, floods and declining biodiversity directly affect African agriculture, increasing food insecurity on a continent with a rapidly growing population. To meet these challenges, an integrated approach combining traditional practices such as confining animals to fields and innovative solutions such as agroecology is required. The integration of advanced technologies such as drones and smart irrigation systems can enhance the resilience of agricultural systems. In addition, integrated pest and disease management is essential to reduce crop losses. In conclusion, rethinking agriculture in Africa requires a holistic approach to adapt to changing climatic conditions and guarantee future food security. Keywords: African agriculture, Climate change, Food security, Sustainable agricultural practices, Technological innovation
Diversity and Indigenous Knowledge of the Stingless Bees (Apidae Meliponini) of Togo - Koffi Valentin MAWOUGNIGAN, Animal Husbandry Engineer, Founder of the Association des Professionnels en Gestion et Conservation de la Biodiversité (APro-GCB), Togo
Stingless bees (Meliponini) are an essential part of the tropical melittofauna, with 605 current species in 45 genera, and 18 extinct species. Thanks to their great mobility, they play a major role in pollination and in maintaining gene flow between distant populations. Meliponiculture has been practiced since pre-colonial times for honey, resin and cerumen, as well as for pleasure. Although widespread in America, particularly Brazil and Mexico, it is also developing in Asia, as in China. In Togo, it is less common, Apis mellifera being the preferred species. Knowledge of this diversity is crucial for conservation. Our study aims to survey and describe the diversity of stingless bees in Togo based on external morphology. Keywords: Urban agriculture,, Sustainability, Food security, Technological innovation, Urban communities
Sustainability of the bushmeat trade in southern Benin: the Lama case - Joël DJAGOUN, researcher specializing in the development and management of protected areas, wildlife and rangelands at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi.
The unsustainable exploitation of wildlife for bushmeat is threatening biodiversity in southern Benin, particularly in the Lama forest. This project aims to assess the sustainability of the bushmeat trade in this region and propose management strategies to alleviate hunting pressure. It will use field surveys and socio-economic analysis to study bushmeat markets around the forest. The diversity, quantity and biomass of meat sold will be assessed, as will the impact of hunting on wildlife. The project will also explore the socio-economic motivations behind the bushmeat trade, including demand, livelihoods and cultural practices. Results will guide recommendations for sustainable management, including livelihood alternatives, sustainable hunting practices, and strengthened law enforcement against illegal hunting. Keywords: Unsustainable exploitation, Bushmeat trade, Biodiversity conservation, Socio-economic analysis, Sustainable management
Stabilization of soya cheese (Amonsoja) through improved processing technology in Benin - Makosso Ulrich ALLAVO, Master's degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Liège and a professional Master's degree in Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurship (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
The study examines the stabilization of soybean cheese (Amonsoja) in Benin by improving the processing process and equipment. Ten kg of soybeans of the TGX 1910-14F variety were used to produce dried Amonsoja via four drying methods: traditional, with the ATESTA dryer, forced convection, and with the BOSCH dryer. Physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were carried out. Drying with the ATESTA dryer was significantly faster, while sensory quality was better for drying with both the ATESTA and forced convection dryers. Average values for various parameters were consistent with quality standards. From a microbiological point of view, drying with the ATESTA dryer offered the best sanitary quality. Recommendation: Drying soybean cheese (Amonsoja) with the ATESTA dryer is recommended to improve soybean processing into cheese. Key words: Soya cheese, unit operation, improved dryer, quality, Benin.


Augustin Holl Follow me on LinkedIn

Xiamen University, China

Hannah Muzee Follow me on LinkedIn

Political Science
Center for Policy Analysis

Vivien Meli Meli Follow me on LinkedIn

University of Dschang, Cameroon

Daily workshops

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8:00 - 10:00 GMT - Leveraging Strategic Collaborations, Institutional Partnerships, and Innovation in Higher Education for Sustainable Development in Africa

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, East Africa (Nairobi): 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Paris: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Washington DC: 3:00 AM - 5:00 AM, China (Beijing): 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Hosted by our partner OAAD


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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT - Data collection and management

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 19h-21h, East Africa (Nairobi): 21h-23h, Paris: 20h-22h, Washington DC: 14h-16h, China (Beijing): 02h-04h

Hosted by our partner AJEF


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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT - Writing and publishing in research: choosing scientific blogs

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 19h-21h, East Africa (Nairobi): 21h-23h, Paris: 20h-22h, Washington DC: 14h-16h, China (Beijing): 02h-04h

Hosted by our partner All For Science Media


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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT - Designing and writing your research project

Central Africa (Yaoundé): 19h-21h, East Africa (Nairobi): 21h-23h, Paris: 20h-22h, Washington DC: 14h-16h, China (Beijing): 02h-04h

Hosted by our partner, Dr Mbarga Asseng